A Letter to the Boy Who Broke My Heart

Dear boy who broke my heart,

There’s no need to name you, you know who you are.

It’s been over a year now and I can finally go days without thinking of you. But, there was a time, when you were all I thought about. So, this is for you.

Thank you for being my first love. For showing me what it’s like to be loved by someone in the most pure way.

Thank you for all the inside jokes, the laughs, and free food from Pizza Hut when you worked there. I’ll never forget the amount of time we spent laughing.

Thank you for loving my family. Thank you for loving my brother. You were the male figure to him that he’s never had before.

Thank you for supporting me in everything I did. Thank you for calling me beautiful when I woke up with makeup smeared all over my face, my hair in a bun, and morning breath galore.

Thank you for lying to me. For lying about the other girls. Because of you, it’s easier for me to catch people in their lies. Because of you, it’s harder for me to trust people, but I’ve found true friends that way.

Thank you for being immature. It showed me how mature I was, and how a boy who lived like he was 13, wasn’t capable of loving someone as much as he said.

Thank you for breaking me. If you never would have broken me, I never would have had to build myself back up.

Thank you for begging me to take you back. It showed me that you really did need me, but I was perfectly fine without you.

Thank you for proving everyone wrong. We had some doubters, but we had plenty of supporters. Thank you for proving our friends and family wrong. Because without proving them wrong, I would still be staying up late every night to talk to a boy who never loved me like he said.

Thank you for choosing the final girl you did. If you wouldn’t have chosen her, I never would’ve found out that you weren’t as sincere as you seemed.

Breaking my heart was the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me. Without you, I never would’ve been broken-hearted, but I also never would’ve built myself up again.

I hope that you find peace and love. I hope you find a love that will make you feel how I felt about you. The type of love where hurting the other person is the worst thing you can possibly imagine.

“Without your interference, I would not have lost my breath; but because of you, I have learned to breathe again.”

So, thank you. Because even people like you deserve happiness, too.


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